Thursday 20 November 2014

New toll free landline no

Dear friends
Our company new toll free landline no activated from 25nov, 2014.


  1. I am also in

    please check this


  2. I have joined in sep 14 but still I have not recd any payment I hve completed my all assignments but my distributer withdraw all my LP BUT HE DOES NOT GIVE ANY PAYMENT IS THIS FRAUD

  3. Hi
    I have joined orbit in Dec 2014 and haven't received any payments till date. How long are these guys going to take for making bank payment. Not sure if this is some kind of cheating?. Their administration is not at all reliable. You cannot contact anyone at their office as the customer care numbers are inactive.

  4. How long will this ORBIT9x keep their customer care numbers inactive? Is there any possible way I could contact their office? Though I have uploaded my KYC 3 months back, haven't got any single payment. you guys have put my 200 LPs under pending for bank transfer since Feb 23. When is this amount transferred to the bank? I have written many complaints on the internal communication, but no response.
    What should I do now? My sponsors are helpless, they too have not yet got their bank transfer done.


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